Training Programs

Provides guidance, support, and strategies for personal and professional growth, team collaboration, career transitions, and organizational improvement.

Leadership Development

  • Discuss the benefits and business case for why goals matter.

    Review guidelines for setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.

    Craft personal development goals and get peer feedback.

    Examine the impact of Marginal Gains and in creating momentum that generates results.

  • Provide a research-driven approach to boost leadership capabilities.

    Connect the needs of the organization with personal strengths, passions, and interests.

    Focus on leveraging and further developing strengths, which is the fastest and most effective way to increase leadership effectiveness.

    Help participants create a development plan focused on leveraging their self-identified strengths.

  • Develop a performance-focused coaching style that encourages personal responsibility and independence.

    Differentiate between coaching and feedback and when to use each.

    Learn how to encourage personal responsibility and ownership of one’s work and career to enable colleagues to maximize their potential.

    Share the GROW coaching framework and practice with peers.

  • Discuss what motivates us and others at work and how can we get the most out of our colleagues to maximize their potential.

    Share research on what creates internal motivation and drive and apply to personal colleague situations to identify strategies and actions that better align with colleague goals, values and motivators.

  • Review the importance of clearly defining the decision and understanding the different types of business decisions.

    Discuss identifying key stakeholders’ positions of power and balancing consensus with speed.

    Learn tools for effectively using meetings to drive progress.

    Share common pitfalls and how to have an effective decision-making mindset.

  • Explore best practices in giving and seeking meaningful feedback.

    Introduce tool that can be leveraged for any feedback conversation - both informal discussions and performance reviews.

    Provide strategies to address real challenges inherent in feedback conversations.

    Increase confidence and comfort with feedback conversations to help drive meaningful behavior change.

  • Enable participants to be more confident when influencing.

    Provide and practice a range of researched-based strategies to influencing.

    Allow participants to apply influence strategies to individual key stakeholders and work through real scenarios.

    Have a wider range of skills, tools, techniques, and strategies to influence.

  • Discuss what makes great collaborators.

    Examine the role of rapport in collaborating effectively.

    Explore the how listening can be leveraged as a tool.

    Share Maister’s Trust Formula to gauge and enhance trust with stakeholders.

  • Discuss how to “market” oneself and still be authentic.

    Learn how to take advantage of opportunities to demonstrate your value and advocate for your own career.

    Practice the “personal pitch” and get feedback on how to enhance your presence.

  • Discuss challengers of emerging leaders who may not formally manage others but still responsible for directing/developing talent.

    Provide insight on how to uncover underlying motivators, values and needs of decision making.

    Explore Influence Position Mapping and how to recognize and strategize to gain stakeholder support.

    Share research on Robert Cialdini's Science of Persuasion.

    Provide tool to help better message persuasively.

  • Discuss why brand is important in propelling your career.

    Leverage tools to identify a personal brand that capitalizes on your strengths.

    Identify gaps in building that brand and specific action items moving forwards.

Communications & Presence

  • Discuss elements of physical presence and what is within our control to raise our presence quotient.

    Discuss what gets in the way of demonstrating presence including working within the constraints of a virtual environment.

    Share best practices in demonstrating presence.

    Gain increased clarity, control, and flexibility when presenting.

  • Gain increased clarity, control, and flexibility when presenting.

    Learn physical delivery best practices and exercises to create positive impressions.

    Effectively structure a variety of communications.

    Individual participant presentation feedback can be delivered for class sizes up to 8.

  • Gain appreciation of different communication styles and needs.

    Raise awareness of the different styles of their colleagues in the room.

    Learn to flex personal styles to better communicate, influence and persuade others.

    Participants walk away specific strategies to better communicate, build rapport and enhance influence.

  • Discuss and practice tools to manage conflict and handle challenging conversations skillfully – both with clients and colleagues. 

    Understand underlying triggers of behavior and how to create a “safe” conversation for constructive exchange of ideas.

    Provide participants with proven tips on conflict resolution leveraging participant situations to provide a new lens on conflict.

  • Increase confidence and comfort with feedback conversations to help drive meaningful behavior change.

    Discuss effective giving, seeking and receiving feedback that drive results.

A Winning Mindset

  • Discuss the role of beliefs and values in driving our decision making.

    Share tools on how to adopt a more growth-oriented mindset to foster personal growth and create a positive team culture.

    Learn how to adopt an outcome-focused approach in our perceptions and our communication.

    Practice re-framing and how it can better position you for success in the moment.

  • Define resilience and discuss what impacts our ability to sustain resilience.

    Learn how to drive exceptional performance through developing mental toughness in themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

    Build empowering beliefs that see you believing in yourself, and in what you are doing, despite market conditions.

    Enhance ability to adopt a winning mindset in light of pressure, uncertainty and/or change.

  • This course focuses on how to build confidence from within by first better defining what confidence is and discussing why it’s important.

    Discuss the concept of Imposter Syndrome and the impact it can have on our mindset in projecting confidence.

    Provide tools to help build confidence and an opportunity for participants to create their own “ramp up” plan to building and projecting confidence in a pragmatic and realistic way.

  • This program is designed to help participants enhance their mental focus and personal effectiveness at work. 

    It leverages research from Tony Schwartz and The Energy Audit to create an “energy plan” to better manage our personal well-being and position us better for high performance. 

    The program will also share best practices and tips in navigating the evolving work environment.

    Participants will explore personal fulfillment wheels and create action plans that enable and empower them to bring their best selves to their work.

Relationship Management

  • Learn the research-driven approach that has demonstrated proven performance results when applied in the workplace.

    Understand the four aspects of emotional intelligence and how each one impacts performance.

    Participants walk away with strategies for enhancing their personal EQ.

  • De-mystify networking challenges and gain insights from exceptional networkers.

    Map personal networks and gain insights on where and how to build it more strategically.

    Practice your personal pitch in preparation for the networking conversation.

  • Learn how to quickly build and maintain rapport.

    Explore the levels of rapport and how to recognize when in rapport.

    Share best practices from great rapport builders.

    Discuss importance of questioning and listening in building relationships that matter.

    Recognize the impact of words, tonality and body language and correctly interpret non-verbal messages.

  • Understand the knowledge, skills and processes required to elevate client relationships along the relationship continuum toward trusted advisor status.

    Adopt practical techniques and processes to measure and monitor client relationship levels.

    Develop of specific action plans for ongoing account growth and solidifying relationships with key decisions makers and stakeholders.

Professional Skills Development

  • Explore underlying dynamics of negotiations and how to plan effectively.

    Learn about the role of positions, strategies, tactics and BATNA, in navigating the negotiation.

    Practice managing objections and overall counterparty resistance in coming to an agreement.

    Discuss the role of inquiry and practice high gain questioning.

    Better understand individual/counterparty needs, values and motivators and how they can impact decision making.

  • Learn strategies for effective time management, prioritizing tasks, and strategies to streamline business meetings, emails and unexpected demands.

    Prioritize activities by assigning cost and value to daily routines, tasks, and meetings

    Participants will walk away with strategies as well as the ability to prioritize their current tasks at hand.

  • Review tools and techniques for writing clear, concise documents. 

    Practice reviewing and editing written messages to better reflect your personal brand.

    Discuss how to tailor writing for specific reader styles.

    Learn methods for improving the overall structure and format of your documents.

    Review writing fundamentals to improve the accuracy and quality of your writing.

  • Explore the key differences in the transition to a corporate workplace (if appropriate for the audience)

    Discuss how every meeting is an opportunity to develop one’s brand through verbal or non-verbal listening.

    Address the use of electronic devices when interacting with colleagues.

    Provide a short overview of email communication best practices that inspires action.

    Address importance of making a good impression in meetings and lunch/dinner/events outside the office.

  • Share best practices and practical tips on how to run meetings that engage participants and drive results.

    Discuss the importance of the meeting owner and practice key facilitation techniques.

    Create awareness of the impact of variables including meeting duration, technology, time zones, etc. 

    Practice meeting openers to drive engagement. 

  • Learn how to connect business issues to big picture thinking and facilitate judgement in business decision making. 

    Provide framework to improve logic in writing, thinking and problem.

    Leverage and practice Barbara Minto’s Pyramid Principle to logically analyze problems, generate solutions and guide analysis.

    Program will focus on defining the problem, structuring the message and communicating insights from one’s analysis.

  • This session will help prepare Mentors for establishing a strong and productive relationship with their mentee at the onset. 

    The session will mostly focus on what makes a great Mentor and what they can do to create an environment where Mentees feel more comfortable sharing the real challenges and areas of advice needed to get the most out of the program.

    This program is best delivered in conjunction with the Mentee Program below.

  • This program will focus on helping mentees think through how they will leverage this program to advance personal and professional development goals.

    Mentees will have walk away with a better sense of direction and key talking points to facilitate the Mentor/Mentee discussion.  

    The session will also provide mentees with the opportunity to think more strategically about their development and a sense of ownership in the success of the mentor/mentee relationship.

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity

  • Similar to general audience program, but also includes research and discussion on specific challenges women face in business.

    Discuss elements of physical presence and what is within our control to raise our presence quotient.

  • Address real challenges women face in building their networks and gain the appropriate sponsorship to help propel careers.

    De-mystify specific challenges women face in building networks.

    Map networks and gain insight on where and how to build it more strategically.

    Practice how to “market” oneself and still be authentic.

  • Recognize real challenges of female leaders and share insights from cited by other female Fortune 500 leaders.

    Address importance of mindset and personal beliefs as fundamental to creating resilience.

    Help participants identify action items to enhance their personal impact and help position them for success.

  • Define unconscious bias and how it shows up in the workplace.

    Discuss the impact of unconscious bias on individuals, teams, and the organization – especially in a virtual environment.

    Uncover blind spots to unconscious bias and share strategies tools to boost inclusion and build trust with teams.

    Identify and mitigate key biases that impact interactions with clients, teams, and peers.

  • Go beyond awareness of unconscious bias and explore the most prevalent biases and how they show up for participants in the workplace.

    Explore how bias specifically shows up in our interactions and help participants identify blind spots as an imperative first start.

    Discuss how questions & inquiry create a better mutual understanding and mitigate bias.

  • Discuss what inclusivity is and why we need it.

    Distinguish between an uncomfortable conversation and an unsafe conversation.

    Discuss common micro-aggression traps or pitfalls.

    Share framework for how to frame the conversation appropriately to better leverage the underlying psychology of the dynamic.

  • Explore six traits of an inclusive leader, enhance understanding and explore how to apply the research to enhance team performance.

    Identify conscious inclusion behaviors.

    Help managers create a personal inclusion strategy.

  • Engage the Amex community in discussing factors that impact promoting an inclusive culture.

    Discuss the complexity of the human identity experience and how that shows up in our work environment.

    Explore what Allyship means to you and what our role is in supporting Allyship.

    Identify specific actions and strategies in practicing Allyship.

Navigating the Hybrid Experience

  • Share best practices and practical tips on how to run meetings that engage participants and drive results regardless of location.

    Discuss the importance of the meeting owner and practice key facilitation techniques.

    Create awareness of the impact of variables including meeting duration, technology, time zones, etc. 

    Practice meeting openers to drive engagement. 

  • Share research on the needs of teams and how these insights can be leveraged in the Covid-19 (and beyond) environment in a practical way to maximize a team’s performance.

    As a leader, learn how to coach and motivate team members including how to provide emotional support and flexibility and enable them to be more effective while working virtually.

    Participants will walk away with specific and realistic actions that can be implemented immediately to keep the team connected and provide effective leadership.

  • Discuss the elements of high performing teams and how that has evolved in the context of remote or hybrid teams. 

    Share research on the needs of teams and how these insights can be leveraged in the Covid-19 (and beyond) environment.

    Highlight best practices in navigating the hybrid environment with resilience and provide effective and inspirational leadership.